Announcement : 

Welcome back for term 1 2025!

28 November 2024

Takapuna Primary
School Newsletter
Mā te pā ka taea te whakatipu te tamaiti
It takes a village to raise a child

Kia ora TPS whānau                                  Like us



Kelly Club is coming to Takapuna Primary School


Dear Parents & Caregivers of the Takapuna Primary School community,

Kelly Club is excited to be bringing our before and after-school care and holiday programme to Takapuna Primary School from Term 1 2025 (Monday 3rd February).

Kelly Club has been operating throughout NZ for over 15 years, and our motto is “Kids Home Away from Home”.

Kids who attend our programme get to do a wonderful array of different things in a fun, safe and caring environment. Things like sports and games, arts and crafts, baking and cooking, science and discovery, along with structured free play after a long day at school.

You can find more information and book our programme by clicking on the link below.

Playground opening:

What a busy playground we have had since the opening over a week ago. A huge thanks to Kipa and our student leaders who engaged in a beautiful opening of the playground and a special acknowledgement to Sarah OC (Associate Principal) and Rakesh (Caretaker) for their mahi (work) on the playground.

Beach Picnic:

Our annual picnic will take place on Wednesday 11th of December.

We aim to leave school at 9:30 am and will return by 1:00pm. Please note we do not swim.

We need as many adults as possible to walk down to the beach, help at the beach, and walk back to school with us. Please let your child’s classroom teacher know if you or anyone else in your family/whānau can help on the day. You can do this via email or in person.

We hope as many of you as possible can come and join us and celebrate the end of a wonderful year.

Learner-led open morning session: 

It was wonderful to see whānau (families) who were able to make it last week, we understand it isn’t always possible and appreciate that everyone is busy! Tamariki (children) really enjoyed sharing their learning.   

Curriculum changes from 2025 


The refreshed Mathematics and English New Zealand Curriculums come into effect from the start of 2025. These  documents are underpinned by the science of learning, or how people learn, which is the result of robust evidence and insights from multiple fields of study.

What is the change? 

Schools must ensure they provide 5 hours a week of teaching and learning focused on developing their mathematical ability. 

The new curriculum provides greater clarity around what will be taught and the order in which new learning should be introduced. It encourages greater depth of understanding and the application of mathematical thinking to real world problems. In response to the changes to the order of teaching and learning there has been a shift in the expected outcomes for each year of teaching. 

Literacy (Reading, Writing and Oral Language): 

What is the change?

The Literacy curriculum has also been refreshed and will guide the direction of teaching and learning in this area from the start of 2025. This document is underpinned by the science of learning, or how people learn, which is the result of robust evidence and insights from multiple fields of study. Schools must now ensure that they are providing opportunities for ten hours per week of instruction focussed on supporting students’ progress and achievement in Reading and Writing.

The importance of oral language, particularly its role in early literacy development, is recognised. Priority is given to NZ literature, recognising that the work of NZ authors and our stories as a country, are unique and special. Schools are required to incorporate a structured literacy approach, particularly across Years 0 – 3.

The new curriculum also recognises the need to address students’ handwriting and spelling fluency and the significant impact these things have on a student’s success as a writer.

What steps are Takapuna Primary taking in 2025:

  • Teachers already trained in Structured Literacy (All Years 1-2 teachers)
  • 2024 – three Year 3 & 4 teachers trained
  • 2025 – remaining Year 3 & 4 teachers trained
  • 2025 – all teachers at Takapuna Primary will be working with an expert Literacy professional learning facilitator on Writing, including handwriting and spelling
  • The Science of Learning, effective teaching practices have been embedded at Takapuna Primary School for many years. We look to sustaining effective practices.


Children are placed into classes using the following overall guidelines.

  • Where possible and practical – children may have a second year with the same teacher, for example, a year 3 student could be placed in the same class again as a year 4 student with the same teacher. However, this may not always be the case as we may need to balance classes, or disperse students if there are extra classes.
  • Moving from one transition to another, (e.g. from one whānau group to the next like Kiwi to Tūī) children will be mixed and spread across classes. There is a chance that your child will need to make new friends – this is good for them.
  • If children need a specific transition plan, our Deputy Principal (Lisa) will contact you to discuss this.
  • Teachers know their students and how they interact in social settings and friendships. What your child is like at home might be different at school. It is important that teachers are a big part of class placements.

Children will not be reclassified to repeat the same year. Our New Zealand curriculum and teachers cater to all learning needs, regardless of the child’s year level.

Please note: classroom organisation depends on the makeup of class numbers, this can mean different composition of class levels e.g Year 2s or Year 1 & 2s or both. Previously, we have had composite Year 4 & 5 as well as Year 5 & 6. 

Once classes and teachers are finalised, we will share the organisation for 2025. 

Students/families leaving at the end of 2025:

If you are planning to move from Takapuna Primary at the end of this year, please email the office – and let us know as soon as possible. We rely on accurate information for class placements and 2025 planning.

Invitation for feedback: Sports at TPS:

The school invites you to give feedback/ideas, questions or thoughts around Sports at Takapuna Primary School. This will be a valuable community contribution. We are undertaking a review currently, please share any thoughts with Devika –  Our intention is to collect quality feedback for improvement so please do feel free to be honest.



We need all library books, school reading books and school owned devices to be returned asap! These are expensive resources that we need back, please leave them in the office or return to the teachers.


Regards, Devika and the TPS team

Save the Date!

Te Hui Whakapiri

(A meeting to form close association)

Te Hui Whakapiri (1:1 parent meetings) will be held on Monday 3 February 2025 


It is expected that all parents meet with their child’s guardian teacher


On this day, children and their families will attend a 15 minute interview time with their teacher and then return home. Students should wear their school uniform. 


The first full day of school will be Tuesday 4 February 2025.  


Booking Information on how to book will follow soon

(*Interview times will be available 9:00am-5:30pm on Monday 3 February 2025)

Please note: we are currently working on class placements for 2025. These have not yet been finalised.

Kapa Haka:

On Friday 22nd November, our senior Kereru Kapa Haka group joined 44 other local schools at  the Onepoto Cultural Festival. The event was hosted by Onepoto Primary School and the day began with a pōhiri delivered by the host school.
It was a colourful and vibrant festival with both Māori and Pasifika cultural items performed to well over a thousand people in attendance. Our group performed their bracket of waiata, chants and haka to the other school children, parents and teachers. They were amazing!
Many thanks to the parents that supported the group with transport and supervision. Finally thank you to our school staff, and co-tutor Moana, for preparing the group for this event.
  Ngā mihi ki a koutou katoa

Order Calendar art! If you were too late to make your Calendar art order, now is your last opportunity!
These purchases will come as a second order.
Don’t miss this last opportunity. 
Follow these instructions to place your order online:
    2/. Use the Entrance Code: KZ1071
                               3/. Enter your child’s room & name when prompted
If you have any issues with ordering, please email

Reporting Absences:


You can now report absences/lates via the HERO APP 

Please do not personally email the teacher. 

Here is how:


Would you like to claim your charitable donation tax rebates? 

Help Takapuna Primary by re-gifting your tax rebate to the school

Takapuna Primary has partnered with to help you share your charitable donation tax rebates with the school.

By signing up at, 33% of your donations made are able to be paid back to the school as a tax rebate. For example, when you pay the school donation, the donation is tax deductible. Using SuperGenerous, this means you can both claim back the tax for your donation paid and support your school. All you need to do is sign up here:

Please note:

  • By signing up, SuperGenerous will become your tax agent for charitable donations only and is IRD approved. It will Not replace your existing tax agent for other tax services you may have. 
  • We are listed as Takapuna School on SuperGenerous (not Takapuna Primary School). 

Every dollar helps as often the Ministry does not cover all costs. We would greatly appreciate your support!


Link to school website here:  click here


We are looking into the option of having some chess lessons at our school in 2025 run by a professional organisation called Chess Power. The lessons would be one lunchtime a week for a term (could be the entire year if there is enough interest). Lessons cost between $80 and $100 for the term. 

Coaching Programmes consist of a well organised Chess Curriculum. The Curriculum takes kids from not knowing anything about the game right through to advanced concepts.

Each lesson builds on the last to ensure continual learning. The Curriculum is organised in a way that ensures the kids learning of Chess is fast and progressive. 

Can you please email Lisa Davies (Deputy Principal) on  by Friday 6 December if you are keen for your child to be involved. 

More information can be found at

Squad Holiday Programme

A premium holiday programme with a sports focus first up, and the scope to offer music/arts/tech programmes in the future.
An offering to the local community, ages 10 – 13, girls and boys
In partnership with Westlake Boys High School, providing high quality facilities, equipment, resources and staffing.
Focussed on fun and connection for all kids with personalised profile creation, combine testing, team building, skills and drills and mini tournaments to keep our SQUAD busy!
Tuesday 1st Friday 4th October 2024
9am – 4pm with extended options available
2-Days from $120 | 4-Days from $200 with extended hour options and separate lunch ordering available through Pita Pit (not incl).
Register via WBHS Kindo Community shop linked here.

School’s nearly out! If you are spending any of the summer holidays in or around Auckland,
slam dunk into the summer holidays by catching a BNZ Breakers game.

Save 15% on tickets to any of the BNZ Breaker’s games in Auckland during December and
January. Simply use promo code STUDENT to redeem your 15% off.

BNZ Breakers v Tasmania JackJumpers – North Shore Game
Thursday 12 December, 7:30pm @ Eventfinda Stadium
BNZ Breakers v Sydney Kings – Christmas game
Friday 20 December, 7:30pm @ Spark Arena
BNZ Breakers v Perth Wildcats – Mascot Party
Sunday 5 January, 4:30pm @ Spark Arena
BNZ Breakers v Tasmania JackJumpers
Thursday 16 January, 7:30pm @ Spark Arena
Book tickets at


Mitey – Mental Health Education:

Mitey is a New Zealand specific, Years 1-8 approach to embedding mental health education in both teaching and learning. It was developed by the Sir John Kirwan Foundation. Our kura is now in the second year on our Mitey journey.

Children will learn how to recognise and respond to their own mental health and those of others. Cultivating good mental health helps us cope with life’s ups and downs, and to feel comfortable asking for help from others when we need it.

All the teachers at Takapuna Primary are engaging with Professional Development from our expert coaches working for Mitey. 

For more information visit the website:



Friday 29 November            School Disco yr 1-4 (4:30-5:30pm)

                                                                     yr 5-6 (5:45-7:00pm)

Wednesday 11 December   Whole School Beach Day

Thursday 12 December       Year 6 Graduation (6:00pm Hall)

Monday 16 December         Meet the teacher (10:00am – details to follow)

Tuesday 17 December         Pizza/wheels/non-uniform day

Wednesday 18 December   Last day of Term 4 (3:00pm)


Monday 3 February             1.1 Te Hui Whakapiri (meet teacher-detail to follow)

Tuesday 4 February              First day of school 2025

Thursday 6 February            Waitangi Day (NO school)

Click here for School Calendar

2024 Term Dates

Term 4: Monday 14 October – Wednesday 18 December

2025 Term Dates

Term 1: Monday 3 February – Friday 11 April
Term 2: Monday 28 April – Friday 27 June
Term 3: Monday 14 July – Friday 19 September
Term 4: Monday 6 October – Tuesday 16 December



Can you help?

The Middlemore Foundation are collecting toys to give to children in need this Christmas. 

Kindly donate NEW or USED (*ONLY in near new condition). It would be appreciated if you are able to wrap it, but not essential.

Gifts must NOT contain any food.

If you would like to give a little something, there will be a collection box in the office up until Friday 6th December.

Guitar & Ukulele Lessons at Takapuna Primary School

Musiqhub offers Guitar and Ukulele tuition to students at Takapuna Primary School with experienced tutor Dave Gatman.

Students learn a range of traditional and contemporary styled songs and techniques where they play together as a group and take turns to play to the group as individuals. This format creates a relaxed and fun environment for students to learn in and is popular in schools around the country. 

The lessons are during school hours on Thursdays and are available to students in Year 2 and older.

Dave has space for Term 1, 2025 lessons. 

If you are interested, please contact Dave on 021 2221456, or


Yikes, the summer holidays are coming!

What to do with YOUR Thing One and Thing 2?!

Here’s an idea..! Bring the whole family to the Worlds Number 1 ‘The Cat in the Hat’ show for an experience they’ll never forget. The story has been around for over 50 years and kids still love it… just like you did!

Young and old alike will delight in this lively adaptation of a classic book coming to life before your very eyes. Spoiler alert: Things run amuck, and quickly!

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