Announcement : 

Welcome back for term 1 2025!


All children must wear:

  • TPS Skorts or Shorts or TPS long pants
  • Polo shirt (short or long sleeved options)
  • Polar fleece sweatshirt/Jersey

Our school uniforms offer a variety of pieces that can be mixed and matched for summer and winter.

Footwear: Students are encouraged to wear suitable shoes for running and playing (including fitness and Physical Education programmes). High heeled footwear, boots and jandals are not suitable.

Socks/tights are to be black or navy blue.

Bucket style hats are compulsory for Terms 1 and 4. TPS bucket hats are sold at the school office or any brimmed hat can be worn.

All footwear and items of clothing should be clearly named. Labels from places such as Nameit are a great idea.

During the swimming season it is important to name swimwear, towels and underclothing. Jewellery should be left at home and we prefer children not to bring watches to school if they are easily lost. Rings and bangles are often dangerous during children’s play. For those with pierced ears, studs only are acceptable.

Our office only sells new hats and sunglasses.

To purchase new or pre-loved uniforms simply click here


Uniform 23