Announcement : 

Welcome back for term 1 2025!

Health Education

Health Delivery Statement: 

Health Education at Takapuna Primary School will be delivered in alignment with the New Zealand Curriculum (2007). The Health and Physical Education learning area is underpinned by four key concepts that consider:-

-overall well-being

-interactions between people and society

-the need for healthy communities

-health-enhancing attitudes and values

Our teachers will use a range of teaching approaches, learning contexts and situations as they arise, to develop learners’ understanding of these concepts of Health Education and aim to equip learners with the skills needed to enable them to make health-enhancing life choices. Units of learning will be regularly reviewed in order to ensure that our Health Education programme is meeting learning needs of our students and reflects best practice in Health Education.

The health and well-being of our students and staff continues to be a focus in our school and in our Pupuke Kāhui Ako / Community of Schools. Here is a summary of the learning units we cover on a regular basis.

(consultation completed 2022)

Health Programme at TPS

Mitey – wellbeing 

Designed for New Zealand children, Mitey supports schools to deliever an evidence based approach to mental health education for Years 1-8. All the teachers at Takapuna Primary are engaging with Professional Development from our expert coaches working for Mitey. For more information visit the website:

Stepping Out

Is a comprehensive road safety programme run by our Police Education Officer every two years. Year one and two cover pedestrian safety, year three and four cover scooter safety and year five and six cover cycling.

The Bikes in Schools Programme

Is part of our Physical Education programme. Students have bike sessions in Terms 2 and 3 and are taught bike safety and maintenance. Not only do our students gain knowledge, skills and confidence to ride safely they also get to experience the joy of biking with their peers as well as increasing their fitness.

Keeping Ourselves Safe

This programme has been developed by the New Zealand Police and the Ministry of Education and is implemented every second year at our school. The programme enables students to learn and apply a range of safety skills that they can use when interacting with others. Students recognise the differences between healthy and unhealthy relationships, and those who have been or are being abused are encouraged to seek help.

Healthy Eating

Healthy eating continues to be a focus in our school with regular lessons and discussion on good nutrition. Our Wrapper Free initiative aims to reduce the amount of wrapper waste and the amount of packaged food consumed as it is often high in calories and sugar. We are a Water Only school with the aim of reducing the consumption of drinks high in sugar.

St. John’s Safe Kids

Year three and four students participate in this programme which provides them with the skills and confidence to take action in response to an emergency situation.


Cybersafety is the safe and responsible use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). The use of computers, iPads and other digital devices to support learning is an everyday part of our school programme. We maintain a positive approach about the many benefits brought on by technologies along with putting in place strategies to minimise and manage risks associated with the use of ICT. Throughout the year lessons are delivered and regular discussions take place on keeping safe when using digital devices. We teach our students about keeping information safe and secure and also about being responsible with that information, being respectful of others online and using good internet etiquette.

Personal Hygiene

Personal hygiene messages are covered and reinforced throughout the year. Regular hand-washing is taught along with covering your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing and other practices that decrease the risk of spreading infection. Hand towel dispensers, soap and clear signage with guidelines for hand-washing are displayed in classrooms and toilets.

Anti-Bullying Programme, mediation and restorative practices

We have an anti-bullying programme which encourages students to report bullying that occurs inside and outside school and students are given clear options as to who they can approach including staff, parents and peers. A restorative programme Healing the Hurt is put in place if bullying has occurred. If your child talks to you about bullying, meanness or teasing then please mention this to the class teacher, aDeputy Principal or to the Principal. Any report of bullying, including cyberbullying, is taken seriously and dealt with speedily, fairly and in confidence, as much as is appropriate.

Peer Coaching

Is run at our school. Our peer coaches are trained by teachers and spend time in the playground helping children who need extra support with friendships and problem solving. Our Peer coaches have a focus on school values and the recognition of these values in action.

Well Being and Mindfulness Space 

Mindfulness means paying attention to what is presently occurring, with kindness and curiosity. We have a focus on mindfulness practices like mindful breathing and character strength activities, with the aims of increasing calmness, reducing stress, improving focus and attention and enhancing self-awareness. Our well being room is set up with student leaders who helps support a quiet space for our children during lunchtimes. 

Fire Wise

Every second year we cover the Fire Wise programme with our Year 1 & 2 students. The children are taught how to react in a fire and are also taught fire prevention.

Safety around Dogs

Every year we deliver messages and lessons on how to stay safe around dogs. Dogs are welcome in our school and staff and parents are regularly reminded of guidelines around safety as well as the obligation to use a dog’s visit as a learning opportunity for students.

Sun Safety

We follow the Sun Smart programme with the aim of limiting the amount of dangerous ultraviolet radiation students get from the sun at school and making sun protection a life-long habit. The wearing of brimmed sun hats is encouraged from September to April and are compulsory in terms one and four. The wearing of sun glasses is also encouraged and we sell a reputable brand of sun glasses at the school office. We encourage students to apply sun-tan lotion before coming to school during the hotter months and all classrooms have sun tan lotion for students to use. We continue to increase the number of shade areas in the playground.

Puberty Talks

Each year, we run Puberty Talks with our Year Five and Six students. Nest are experts in delieving this to our children. There is a parent information evening and the teaching focuses on the emotional, social and physical changes that occur at puberty.

Copy of Health Parent consultation 08_11_22.pdf