Announcement : 

Welcome back for term 1 2025!


About Us

Welcome to Whānau Kiwi! Years 0, 1 and 2 

Whānau Kiwi is where tamariki learn how to show self management and start their journey as a powerful learner. They are encouraged to develop positive friendships, be ready for learning, with support of their kaiako, identify their next learning step and use physical and digital resources as a part of their learning.


In Kiwi, each child has a guardian teacher who is their main connection and contact for them and their whānau. The learners benefit from the shared ideas that come from the collaborative planning that happens in Kiwi. They also enjoy rotations for physical education, such as for athletics. There are times where the kaiako and classes will come together for learning.


The core curriculum areas of Literacy and Numeracy is a high priority for our teaching and learning programs in Kiwi. We are working with the University of Canterbury to learn and use the Better Start Learning Approach which has already benefited our Literacy learning. Learners have the opportunity to learn Music, Health and Physical Education, Science, Social Sciences, Technology, the Arts (visual, dance and drama) and Digital Technology. We have a specific Te Ao Māori time each week and integrate Te Reo throughout the week. This year we are beginning our journey through the new Aotearoa Histories Curriculum. Learning in Kiwi is relevant and specific to the needs of our learners.

Better Start Literacy Approach

We began our structured literacy journey in 2022. We saw fantastic results for our tamariki, and we are excited to continue this journey with our Kiwi learners in 2023.

This may look different than receiving a book each day to read from the teacher. You may have a phonics focus each week and may only read 1 or 2 pages of a book with your child. 

As the learner gets confident with their new learning, they attempt unknown words in writing  and reading.

Digital Technology

In Kiwi, we have iPads in each classroom. As a part of our Digital Technology, the learners use the iPads to create and publish specific tasks. They will sometimes be used for learning activities and for assessment, such as for the Better Start Literacy Approach. In Kiwi, the Kaiako critically reflects whether the digital learning tool is relevant. We prefer our learners to have many opportunities to use physical (hands-on) materials for learning.

Transition to School

Before starting school, our new Kiwi learner will have two classroom visits (to be booked in at the office). We encourage the learners to build self-management by carrying their bag and putting their items away. To ensure belongings are easily found, please label all clothing, including hats, lunch boxes and drink bottles. Please feel free to let us know if there is anything additional you would like us to know about your child.

It is rewarding to see the significant progress that a learner makes from when they start Kiwi until when they are ready to go to Tūī. Kiwi learners are excited about learning and we are proud to be their kaiako!



Term 1 Newsletter

Term 2 Newsletter

Term 3 Newsletter

Term 4 Newsletter

Term 1 Newsletter 2024

Term 2 Newsletter 2024

Term 3 Newsletter 2024

Term 4 Newsletter 2024