Announcement : 

Welcome back for term 1 2025!

Newsletter 8 August 2024

Takapuna Primary
School Newsletter
Mā te pā ka taea te whakatipu te tamaiti
It takes a village to raise a child

Kia ora TPS whānau,

I hope everyone is keeping well and avoiding the winter chills and colds. A huge thanks to everyone who is helping by keeping children home when they’re unwell.  

School Donations 2024

A reminder that your contributions go a long way to help resource our school and provide programmes for our children that are required beyond what is provided by the Ministry. These things include funding the school pool, playgrounds, bike tracks, basketball/netball courts/hoops, additional resources as well as paying for teacher aides to run additional learning programmes. We still have many families who have yet to contribute, please consider doing so. We welcome part donations, you can set this up with our accounts team –  Thank you in advance. 


Would you like to claim your charitable donation tax rebates? 

Help Takapuna Primary by re-gifting your tax rebate to the school

Takapuna Primary has partnered with to help you share your charitable donation tax rebates with the school.

By signing up at, 33% of your donations made are able to be paid back to the school as a tax rebate. For example, when you pay the school donation, the donation is tax deductible. Using SuperGenerous, this means you can both claim back the tax for your donation paid and support your school. All you need to do is sign up here:

Please note:

  • By signing up, SuperGenerous will become your tax agent for charitable donations only and is IRD approved. It will Not replace your existing tax agent for other tax services you may have. 
  • We are listed as Takapuna School on SuperGenerous (not Takapuna Primary School). 

Every dollar helps as often the Ministry does not cover all costs. We would greatly appreciate your support!

Playground Upgrade

We’ve collected your feedback, added our own and the plans are being finalised with the playground company as I write this. A huge thank you to everyone for supporting our read-a-thon last term. These funds along with a Board contribution means our students will have a safe, fun playground to enjoy for years to come. More information about the final design and start dates will follow soon. (Sarah OC, Associate Principal)

Student toilets (by Tūī A and B)

The work on this upgrade is nearly completed and it is looking fantastic! This will mean children will have access to improved bathroom facilities. We hope to finalise this project and have them open by the end of the coming week.

Relationships and Sexuality Education – Message from Education Review Office 

Takapuna Primary School has been selected to take part in the Education Review Office (ERO) evaluation about Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) in Aotearoa New Zealand schools. This means that key groups at our school are invited to complete 10-min surveys. The Education Review Office (ERO) will use these surveys to understand what is being taught, what else could be taught (where applicable), views on consultation, and how teachers, schools and boards find delivering relationships and sexuality education, including what is helpful. Your feedback is very valuable and will help us understand how relationships and sexuality education could be improved. If you would like to fill in the survey, please click this link. 

Here is the link to the survey for parents and whānau: Click here

Student survey for Years 5-6. A separate Hero communication post will be shared with parents of Year 5 and 6 students. 

Parenting Place

We have our second Board funded (free event to TPS families) Parenting seminar this evening. If you have time, I encourage you to come along. There are so many ways to help with supporting your children that can directly impact their future and educational aspirations. Tonight at 7:00pm in the hall. This includes refreshments from 6:30pm as well as a creche (child care for your children). 

Reporting to parents: Term 3

Please add these dates to your calendar. Week 6 (Wednesday 28 August & Thursday 29 August) to book in a 3 way conference with your child’s teacher. Booking details will be shared soon. 

Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4

Learning in Action

A learning post is shared on Hero, showing learning in action – Broad curriculum shared 


Learning in Action

A learning post is shared on Hero, showing learning in action – Broad curriculum shared


Learning in Action

A learning post is shared on Hero, showing learning in action – Broad curriculum shared


Learning in Action

A learning post is shared on Hero, showing learning in action – Broad curriculum shared


3 way conference 1 

1:1 meeting with parents, teachers and students


Learner-led Open Session

Students share their learning with an open invite for parents to attend


3 way conference 2 

1:1 meeting with parents, teachers and students


Learner-led Open Session 

Students share their learning with an open invite for parents to attend


Written report

Written progress shared on Hero, curriculum area: Reading 


Written report

Written progress shared on Hero, curriculum area: Writing 


Written report

Written progress shared on Hero, curriculum area: Mathematics


Written report

Written progress shared on Hero, curriculum area: General (social, values, and could include Inquiry/Health & P.E/Te Ao Māori/Visual Arts)



Overall Teacher Judgements (OTJs)

Mid-point progress given in Reading, Writing and Mathematics 

(are the students likely to make their end-of-the-year expectation at the current rate of progress?)



Overall Teacher Judgements (OTJs)

End-point curriculum achievement in Reading, Writing and Mathematics 


  • Other ways of reporting and sharing learning:
    • Parents initiating a time with their child’s teacher 
    • School assemblies
    • Performances
    • Family evenings
    • Information evenings 

Staffing news

Claire (Kererū D) will be taking her maternity leave from Week 8, Monday 9th September). We are very fortunate to have a new teacher join our school. Sammy will be teaching these learners until the end of this year. We know everyone will make her feel welcome.

Suresh, our Property Manager has made the difficult decision to work closer to his home. He has made a wonderful contribution to our school for the past 2 years. Suresh will finish with us by the end of week 5 of this term. We wish him all the best for his new role.

Government Curriculum announcements

You would have heard the announcements made by the Government around curriculum implementation expectations from 2025 with structured Literacy and most recently, Mathematics curriculum. Please feel reassured that we have years of experience in education and we will continue to work hard to support your children’s learning. Regarding the testing and assessment, Takapuna Primary is familiar with these already and have used these assessment tools to inform our practice. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out and make time to speak to me. I would love to share perspectives based on evidence and first hand experience working in schools. 

Time to come to school

Can we please get your support with ensuring children are supervised after school. There have been a few incidents where a lack of supervision has meant children are getting hurt with no help nearby. We have also had families leaving children at school early. A reminder that 8:30am – 8:45am is the best option for all. 

Regards, Devika and the TPS team. 

Parenting Place Evening: ON TONIGHT 7:00pm

Takapuna Primary School Board
Casual Vacancy for a Parent Representative 

A casual vacancy has occurred on the school board for an elected parent representative.

The board has decided to fill the vacancy by selection.

If 10% or more of eligible voters on the school roll ask the board, within 28 days of this notice being published, to hold a by-election to fill the vacancy, then a by-election will be held.

Request for a by-election should be sent to:

Andrew Stevens

Presiding member (chair)

Takapuna Primary School Board

 c/- Takapuna Primary School

23 Auburn Street


Auckland 0622

by 5 September 2024

Applications Invited: Out-of-Zone Enrolments for 2025

The Board has determined that limited places are available for out-of-zone students entering Year 0,1,2 & 3 ONLY in 2025.

This includes siblings of current students and those in priority 1-6 of our enrolment scheme. 

Please go to “our school” on our website for further information and to complete an online application

Closing date for applications is Sunday 13 October 2024

Ballot (if reqd) will be drawn Wednesday 16 October 2024 and results emailed 

within 3 school days. 

Keeping school records up to date

It is vital we have up to date contact information on file at all times. (especially in the event of an emergency)

Please let us know immediately if you:

– move to a new address

– your email changes

– your contact phone numbers change

– your child’s has any medical/health updates

Email details to

Absence Notices: (IMPORTANT)

Please make sure that you contact the office BEFORE 9:00am if your child is going to be absent from school, including the reason for their absence. 

PLEASE NOTE: If NO contact is made with the school, your child has to be marked with a ‘truant’ code for that day.

*Reports are sent to the Ministry of Education every week

School Photos

If you have not yet ordered, please contact Photolife directly at: or ph: 09 262 1040


Link to school website here:  click here


Mitey – Mental Health Education:

Mitey is a New Zealand specific, Years 1-8 approach to embedding mental health education in both teaching and learning. It was developed by the Sir John Kirwan Foundation. Our kura is now in the second year on our Mitey journey.

Children will learn how to recognise and respond to their own mental health and those of others. Cultivating good mental health helps us cope with life’s ups and downs, and to feel comfortable asking for help from others when we need it.

All the teachers at Takapuna Primary are engaging with Professional Development from our expert coaches working for Mitey. 

For more information visit the website:



TONIGHT!                         Parent Evening (Kind,Firm,Calm) 7:00pm (hall)

Wednesday 21 August    Cross Country (Kiwi & Tui) 1:00pm – 2:40pm

Tuesday 27 August          Cross Country (Kereru) 1:45pm – 2:45pm

Wednesday 28 August     3 Way Conferences (more info soon)

Thursday 29 August         3 Way Conferences (more info soon)

Thursday 26 September  Pizza,wheels, non-uniform day

Friday 27 September       Last day of Term 3

Click here for School Calendar

2024 Term Dates

Term 3: Monday 22 July – Friday 27 September
Term 4: Monday 14 October – Wednesday 18 December

2025 Term Dates

Term 1: Monday 3 February – Friday 11 April
Term 2: Monday 28 April – Friday 27 June
Term 3: Monday 14 July – Friday 19 September
Term 4: Monday 6 October – Tuesday 16 December



Welcome to the Tiny Show

Meet a quiet clown and her troupe of toys as she recounts fables and tales, with morals we should have learnt long ago. Encounter a jealous witch, a lonely wolf and a very sorry piggy. Be dazzled with sassy looks and spine-tingling harmonies. This clown can sing, dance and eat pink wafers like no one else.

Grab a pillow and lean in close for a tiny, intimate theatre show for the whole family to enjoy.

The Tiny Show debuted at the Whangarei Fringe festival 2022, where it received the ‘Best Performer award’.

Suitable for deaf and hearing audiences aged 3 years and up

Created and performed by Tomasin Fisher-Johnson

Tickets: $14.99
Sunday 1 September, 4:00pm
Monday 2 September, 5:30pm
Tuesday 3 September, 10:30am & 5:30pm
Run time approx. 50 mins 
Venue: Rose Centre, 4 School Road, Belmont 
Copyright © Takapuna Primary School 2024
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