Announcement : 

Welcome back for term 1 2025!

Newsletter 7 March 2024

Takapuna Primary
School Newsletter
Mā te pā ka taea te whakatipu te tamaiti
It takes a village to raise a child

Kia ora TPS families,

We are now a month into continuous learning at school, it is noticeable that children are settling into the year and getting used to routines. It was lovely to see so many families at the school picnic and thanks to the wonderful parents, friends and extended whānau who helped make this happen in the SCG (School Community Group). 

We look forward to future events that bring our community together. 

Teacher Paid Union Meetings: 

This will be held on Friday 22 March 2024 at 1:00pm. We encourage any parents who can or are wanting to take children home at 12.50pm to do so. You’ll need to go straight into your child’s class and sign them out with their classroom teachers. For those that this is not possible for, we will supervise the children with a few remaining staff. Please note the children will not be part of their normal learning programme from 1:50pm to 3:00pm and will likely be grouped across the school. For those that have after school care or activities, these will continue as normal. 

Why have a union meeting: 

The NZEI Paid Union meeting will focus on discussing and voting on a plan to get the new government focused on longstanding issues that make a difference for our tamariki. Rather than focusing on things like mobile phone plans; Reading, Writing and Maths timetables etc. NZEI members want the government to value and respect teachers’ professionalism, to address fair pay and to invest more in school staffing and learning support.

Learner Conferences: 

We have scheduled a 1:1 Parent/student meeting on Wednesday 10th & Thursday 11th April. This will be an opportunity to book a time (15 mins) per student with their classroom teacher. Teachers will be able to share information of how your child has progressed over the term. This is a very important meeting, we expect that all families book in a time. Please note on Wednesday 10th April, school will finish early at 12:50pm with interviews beginning shortly after this. Thursday 11th April school will finish at the normal time of 3:00pm. Detailed booking information will be shared via Hero soon. 

Your support with swimming togs: 

If we can please get you to remind children to bring their togs and towels on their scheduled days in the school pool, it will be very much appreciated. We know how busy things can get in the mornings, however this would make a huge difference to everyone and is great learning for children to be organised with everything they need for the day to be successful. 

Strategic Plan for 2023-2024: 

Here is the link for finding this on our school website. Thanks to all the families who have spoken to us and took up the opportunities to discuss learning and teaching at Takapuna Primary School. 

Parent concerns regarding safety for children – (Killarney Street car park – Monday): 

Parents have brought to my attention that they are concerned about children crossing using the car park on Killarney Street, despite signs indicating to use alternative exit and entry. This is particularly critical when it is wet. Here is what was shared: 

“The vehicles were queuing everywhere – two vehicles literally ‘touched’ bumpers. Worse was to come. People began streaming out of the two gates – particularly the one past the new entrants room which exits directly into the car park – the waiting vehicles did not give way to any parents or children – it was so scary. I said to my husband a child is going to be hit and it is not even Winter yet. There was absolutely no consideration to pedestrian traffic…”

We ask that you park down by the lake or side streets and walk – even when it is wet.

Keep our community safe. 



Daibao (Year 2) excitedly shared her writing with me. What a privilege to be in this job! 

Regards, Devika and the TPS team

Can you help?
We are in the process of tidying up our native grove garden. Is there anyone in our school community who have contacts for some mulch (black or natural colour is fine) Please get in touch with the school office.

Shop for your school:

Join us for an exciting opportunity at Shore City Shopping Centre!
10 local schools will have the chance to win a share of $20K in prizes!
$10K Grand Prize
$6K Second Prize
$4K Third Prize
Shoppers who enter their receipts get a chance to be in to win a weekly prize of a $100 Life Pharmacy Shore City gift voucher!
PROMO PERIOD: Monday, March 4th to Sunday, April 14th
1) Shop at any participating retailer and earn 1 point for every $1 spent.
2) Scan the QR Code in-store or visit the Shore City Shopping Centre website to enter your details, upload receipts, and nominate your school.
Don’t miss this chance to support your school and win big!
Details here:  

If you would like a free shopping bag, please collect from the office.

At the front of our school we have a pātaka kai which means pantry or storehouse. It is a place where people can leave food for others in our community to take. This initiative was established by our Tu Rangatira group who wanted to stand tall and give something back to our Takapuna Community. Please feel free to leave any non perishable food items in there.

Friday Sushi:

Just a reminder, for every Friday sushi order placed, the school receives $1.00!

**Please note you must order before 9:00am on THURSDAY MORNING**

New & Preloved Uniform:

You can only purchase new and preloved uniform online.  We no longer stock second hand uniform at the office. Please go to, click on “information”, scroll to “uniform” and click on “shop”. (as below)

*You can still buy hats and sunglasses at the office.


Mitey – Mental Health Education:

Mitey is a New Zealand specific, Years 1-8 approach to embedding mental health education in both teaching and learning. It was developed by the Sir John Kirwan Foundation. Our kura is now in the second year on our Mitey journey.

Children will learn how to recognise and respond to their own mental health and those of others. Cultivating good mental health helps us cope with life’s ups and downs, and to feel comfortable asking for help from others when we need it.

All the teachers at Takapuna Primary are engaging with Professional Development from our expert coaches working for Mitey. 

For more information visit the website:


Monday 11 March    Year 5/6 Parent/Whanau Info Evening (6:00pm online Zoom)

Friday 22 March       Teacher Paid Union Meeting (pick up children 12:50pm)

Friday 29 March       Good Friday (no school)

Monday 1 April         Easter Monday (no school)

Tuesday 2 April         Easter (no school)

Wednesday 10 April Learner Conferences (school finishes 12:50pm)

Thursday 11 April     Learner Conferences (school finishes 3:00pm)

Friday 12 April          End of Term 1 (3:00pm)

Click here for School Calendar


Link to school website here:  click here


Volunteers Needed: 

We would love some volunteers to be parent liaisons for the ‘Shore to Shore’ and the Weetbix Tryathlon. This would mean working alongside the school to promote the event, organise registrations and work alongside the SCG for potential fundraising opportunities.

Could this be you? 

Are you an amazing organiser? We need someone to organise our school uniforms. This would involve working alongside us to create a system for lending and hiring of school uniforms. 

If you have questions about either role please email


Netball registrations are on our website so please have a think about whether or not you would like to play netball in Term 2 & 3. Players will need to purchase their own skorts and new sports top from the T.P.S website. Link to register here

Cluster Swimming

This will be taking place at Takapuna Primary on Friday 22nd March. Training is underway twice a week. Congratulations to the following learners who have been selected to represent our school: Bailey, Binaya, Cindy, Eric, Finn, Harry, Iris, Isabelle, Isla, Jessica, Luke, Martin, Mila, Selina, Sylvie, William and Zach. Ka rawe mahi (awesome work) to these learners for all the time and dedication that they have already shown! 

Football Tournament

Permission slips have gone home please make sure that these are returned by Friday 8th March.

Coming up: 

Monday 18th March: Year 3-6 girls football tournament 

Wednesday 20th March: Year 3-6 boys football tournament 

Friday 22nd March: Cluster Swimming  

2024 Term Dates

Term 1: Friday 2 February – Friday 12 April
Term 2: Monday 29 April – Friday 5 July
Term 3: Monday 22 July – Friday 27 Septemer
Term 4: Monday 14 October – Wednesday 18 December


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